Hiking the South West Coast Path: Combe Martin to Woolacombe (day 4)

Recommended route: Combe Martin to Woolacombe – 13.9 miles
My route: Watermouth to Mortehoe – 12.8 miles (because of campsite locations)

As I spent my previous rest day in Ilfracombe, which is a weird and old fashioned seaside town, I took a bus right through it before starting this section. Still wearing socks and sandles, still in pain, but determined to get through this day without any drama. I had bought proper supplies to bandage up my feet, so I was already feeling at least 2% more positive.

It was actually a really nice walk for most of this section. Dramatic cliffs to look at but rolling hills to walk along, and the highlight of the day was remembering to fill up my water at the halfway point in Lee. After that point, it did get slightly more steep and arduous, but it’s hard to be mad with a view like that.

I passed Bull Point lighthouse and before I knew it, I could see my campsite, North Morte Farm, up a big old hill. I climbed all the way up, pitched my tent after almost losing it to gale force winds, and abandoned everything to climb all the way back down to the beach so I could have my first swim on the hike.

I was feeling pretty fantastic, and I even had the energy to get back down to the beach a second time just for the sunset. I had the whole place to myself, and it was magical.

You can view the full itinerary here.

If you want more photos, you can see the whole album here.

You can also follow the journey on Instagram!

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